
Our Journey: From OCyrus to every1.click

In 2018, OCyrus began as an ambitious idea with a simple yet powerful vision: to give users control over their digital space. Our founder recognized a growing concern—big data companies were increasingly encroaching on personal screen space, harvesting attention without consent, and profiting from interactions without fair compensation. OCyrus was born as a solution, empowering users to reclaim their digital sovereignty by turning their screen space into valuable, exchangeable real estate.

Our Evolution

What started as an app quickly evolved into something much larger. As our user base grew, so did our aspirations. We realized that this vision extended beyond mobile devices; it was about fundamentally changing how digital interactions work. And so, every1.click was born—a platform designed to revolutionize the digital advertising landscape by putting users first.

Our Mission

At every1.click, we believe in a future where your digital space is respected, your attention is valued, and, most importantly, you are in control. Our platform is built on the principles of transparency, control, and fairness. We aim to create an ecosystem where users can engage with content on their terms, ensuring that every click, view, and interaction is mutually beneficial.

Our Growth

2021 - The Birth of OCyrus

OCyrus was launched as an Android app focused on empowering users to control their digital space.

2022 - Evolution to every1.click

The platform expanded beyond mobile, evolving into a full-fledged digital engagement ecosystem.

2023 - Expanding Partnerships

every1.click began partnering with businesses and creators who shared our vision of a fairer digital future.

2024 - Launching the Universal Brokerage of Pixels

We introduced our unique feature, allowing users to monetize their digital real estate in unprecedented ways.

Our Future

Looking ahead, our goal is to create a global community where every user feels empowered, every interaction is meaningful, and every click counts. We are constantly evolving, driven by the belief that the future of digital engagement is one where users are no longer passive consumers but active participants in a fair and transparent ecosystem.

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